Monday, June 27, 2011

24 Giugno

- hong kong -

I 'm honest with you, any kind religion have a big charm on me athough i'm a true beliver.
I'm a christian, but i feel a great respect for the rest. I never found a religion or a sincretism that had not generate in me a deep interest. Every time i see a different pray, a new ritual, i'm litteraly catched.
I'm tryijg to communicate my feelings towards this image. I know it's something very hard. I'll keep on trying.

Monday, June 20, 2011

18 Giugno

- hong kong -

I'm really far from home, I've to consider this. I've to remember.
This place is so suitable to me that i forget very easly to be careful, i've to consider the world around me is not the same of my real place. I'm a street photographer, sometimes for job needs i can be... "glamour", not at all a naturalist, this "friend" let me change some thoughts, maybe i can dicover new things, paying attention and buying a new macro lens...

Sunday, June 12, 2011

12 Giugno

- hong kong -
Sorry for the italian...
Ma so stanco...
Niente di sensazionale, solo che la vista di Hong Kong da the Peak è non solo bella, ma importante, perché ti fa rendere conto della globalità di questa città. La terrazza che ti permette di avere questa vista è sempre affollata, tutti i giorni. Giorno notte. Senza pausa. Un eterno andirivieni di turisti e locali.
Expats & Hongkongers uniti da una curiosità che non viene appagata e si rinnova. La città è sempre quella, magari ogni volta con un grattacielo in più, ma non si è mai sazi di questa vista.

Sunday, June 5, 2011

4 Giugno 2011

- hong kong -

Sham Shui Po, during the market time. I know very well this place, 
it's a typical market, there are a lot in the world like this: Intense, loaded.
You can have a lot of moment to choose, to catch. I was just looking for some faces, some
typical citizen to print on my memory for ever. I could not, i was sure, noone wanted to be catched last saturday,  some faces were tried to stole by me without any result.
I remember her. She was close to the crossway, selling shoes (used shoes and other unusless stuff).
I really do not remember she was a shoot of mine, i'm pretty sure i have not made this pic.
But i did.
 She's amazing. She looks like the dark lady, perhaps she knows her and asks some years more. The sight is from a soul that knows the end, without any fear or any kind of expression.