Sunday, July 31, 2011

26 Luglio

- dubai -

The Burj Khalifa od Dubai is the highest scayscraper in the world. The highest thing never built up from the mankind, it's the real babel tower. 829 meter are something really impressive and when you are at its bottom you cannot understand the powerfull of this mountain (think a hill start  to be a mountain at 600m), because the prospective tricks you at all. You should be very far to seee its magnificent or be at the top or on a chopter. It's unbelivable, u can understan something seeing the few others skyscrapers close to HIM. They looks like little normal building. It will be the first for loooong time, someone says forever, but forever is a stupid word. 

Saturday, July 23, 2011

15 luglio

Sorry for the late. I'm going to post the shoot of missing week. This really week will be the one going to miss.

- hong kong -
In most of the kitchen of this town the gas is missing. Usually tehy use the electricity instead the gas, at least for private house.  So you can see around the city a lot of bikers with this kind of bicycle "pimped up" for this job. This happen also because the gas is not very requested for this people. They love to go for dining outside, and the kitchens are often a little corner to warm up your take away food or to boil instant noodles. We know the prices are different, and to have a dine outside can be cheap almost like having one at youre place. 

Monday, July 11, 2011

10 Luglio

LEI YUE MUN Seafood District
- hong kong -

There is an amazing village in Hong Kong, is Lei Yue Mun, is considered just a district (a seafood one) of course, but is a real village, with the house, a market, playgrouds and temple. Is a village of fishermans and if u go is a thing very easy to understand. Easy life inside, ruins everywhere, boats and the signs of the sea everywhere. Here a particoular angle for a fisherman boxer.
If you like it you can see my complete reportage at this link:

Monday, July 4, 2011

3 Luglio

ABERDEEN PORT (Hong Kong Tsai)
- hong kong -

This is just a fisherman between big fishing boat in Aberdeen Port. I made a little reportage here (you can see it on flikr at
I choose this foto because i loved aberdden port. This is the real hong kong. Why?
Because Since the "Ming Dynasty" was the real name of this vilalge that in chinese means "porfumed port.  During the firsts years of XIX century, the name of the village was confused with the name of the whole isalnd by the foreigner travellers landed here. When they discovered the mistake, some years later, was too late because Hong Kong by now was the common name used fot the island, so in 1845 the vilalge took tha name of Hamilton Gordon, IV conte di Aberdeensecretary of state of war and colonies.
By the way, if you go to hong kong i suggest to take one of the little boat and make a tour around the port, it'is no an amazing adventure, but it's nice and u can take good picture and it's quite cheap. Something different form the big sascrapers and the monasters. Don't forget to see my reportage if you like photos!!!! See you the next week